- 2024年09月03日
- David King
NIST 的 3 项新的后量子加密标准是什么?
美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)最近公布了首批 3 个后量子加密标准,未来还会有更多。请加入我们的讨论。
美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)最近公布了首批 3 个后量子加密标准,未来还会有更多。请加入我们的讨论。
美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)最近公布了首批 3 个后量子加密标准,未来还会有更多。请加入我们的讨论。
At this point in 2020 we can safely say that business as we knew it has changed forever. Yet for every new challenge, there is a bright side. Sure, there are no spontaneous meetings in the office break room, but there is a new kind of connectedness and efficiency that we are experiencing by doing nearly all of our work online.
To avoid proliferation of the Coronavirus, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended social distancing. The business world has generally been quick to respond, moving to 100% remote work where possible.